You will note from the copyright date that this was actually written much earlier than most of the stuff on this blog. I thought, nonetheless, that it should be here along with everything else. You may also note that I began my relationship with the iambic pentameter many years ago.
I wrote the poem for my wife on the occasion of our fourth wedding anniversary. Make sure you have a bucket ready before you read the next sentence. Apart from the fact that the idealistic concept of first stanza is impossible - since neither of us will live that long, at least in this life - the rest of it still holds good.
I wrote the poem for my wife on the occasion of our fourth wedding anniversary. Make sure you have a bucket ready before you read the next sentence. Apart from the fact that the idealistic concept of first stanza is impossible - since neither of us will live that long, at least in this life - the rest of it still holds good.
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